Voters in the city of Berkeley, CA will be deciding whether or not to impeach the Bush Administration this November. The ballot measure reads as follows:
"Shall the City of Berkeley petition the United States House of Representatives to initiate proceedings for the impeachment and removal from office of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney and call upon the California State Legislature to submit a Resolution in support of impeachment to the United States House of Representatives?"Financial implications are believed to be minimal. The voter guide includes one argument for and against the measure. The argument against the measure include intriguing information about its authors. All ballot arguments include the name of the author and a little by-line about themselves - usually their job, or what organization they represent. The anti-impeachment argument was written by two residents, Russ Tilleman and Jonathan Tsang. Russ Tillman's only credential is that he was "witness to the Willis-Starbuck murder." Thats all it says. Not sure how this is a relevant acomplishment, but prehaps he's trying to reaffirm his innocence in the matter. If he didn't murder someone, then that will certainly buttress his argument regarding the exectuion of the Articles of Impeachment. The other author is Jonathan Tsang. Here's what we know about Jonathan: he is the "Owner of car destroyed by drug dealers." Huh? I can only guess that this occurence helped illuminate the necessity of Patriot Act-style data searches by federal agents.
Both arguments note that the measure would have nothing more than symbolic value, although I have a feeling the City Council would take it pretty seriously if it does pass.