Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thank You for Smoking

I saw this movie last night. I wasn't impressed. I thought it was way over the top and really unoriginal. The movie follows the adventures of a slick spineless tobacco lobbyist, as he tries to defend the tobacco industry's sliding public image. According to this movie, lobbyist spend most of their time in front of television cameras trying to make a name for themselves. In truth, most lobbyists are under-the-radar political operatives who try to influence the political system while staying relatively nameless. The producers of this movie didn't seem to understand this. The main character was overplayed - a subtler portrayal could have been more effective - no one can believe that this guy could get away with the arguments he makes. Perhaps I missed the point - after all, this was suppose to be a satire. Still, satire doesn't have to be ridiculous in every aspect to be entertaining or effective.

Atleast the theater served pizza and beer.


At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this a while back with Alerica and we both loved it. But I guess we weren't really looking at it from the point of view of what a lobbyist would really be like in day-to-day life. We thought it was nice and quick paced and didn't lag at all and had consistent laughs throughout. I just wish Katie Holmes hadn't been in it to taint it slightly for me. :)

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grammar seems totally atrocious in that last comment.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...yeah, I guess I was a bit harsh. I forgot to mention that I loved Rob Lowe's character and I thought Seth from 'The OC' was hilarious. Plus, Katie Holmes looked soo hot. As Andar Wasiana would say, she was hotchy-motchy.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh God, the Rob Lowe parts were hilarious! I'd forgotten about those. We were dying when he was all dressed in a kimono: "When do you sleep?!" Rob Lowe: "Sunday."

I don't watch "The OC" so I've no idea who this "Seth" character is...

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that I'm thinking about it more I assume "Seth" was Rob Lowe's do-gooder assistant guy. He was really funny!

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

....yeah, Seth was Lowe's assistant. I loved when he called the lobbyist back and offered to hang out with him the next time he was in town....


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